Geopackage Creator


The Geopackage Creator is an R/Shiny app that allows users to create a spatial database for use with the other BEACONs tools, principally the Disturbance Explorer and the Hydrology Explorer. The only input required by a user is a polygon layer within a geopackage file that defines a study area located within northern BC or the Yukon.


The Geopackage Creator has two views:

  • Mapview - view map layers
  • Overview - tool description

Using the app

Using the app consists of three simple steps:

  1. Select study area
  2. Create geopackage
  3. Save geopackage

As a final step, you should open the newly created geopackage in a gis e.g., QGIS or ArcGIS

1. Select study area

Click on “Select study area” to upload a boundary layer in a geopackage file (“.gpkg” extension).

2. Create geopackage

Click on “Create geopackage” to create a geopackage file contain 6 layers:

  • boundary
  • fires
  • linear disturbances
  • areal disturbances
  • intact forest landscapes (2000, 2020)

3. Save geopackage

Click on the “Save geopackage” button to save the newly created layers in a geopackage file (“.gpkg” extension).

After saving the geopackage file…

Use QGIS or ArcGIS to check to make sure that all the layers exist in your study area.